Asemic Writing
Writing without words,
Speaking without sound, Dancing without moving, Gestures of the Soul... Boundaries fall away. Limitations of time, culture and place dissolve. What emerges is a timeless language that crosses cultures and is not place specific. A language that can be read as visual poetry, music or 'writing rendered silent.'
Asemic writing is a wordless open semantic form of writing. The word asemic means "having no specific semantic content".[1] With the nonspecificity of asemic writing there comes a vacuum of meaning which is left for the reader to fill in and interpret. All of this is similar to the way one would deduce meaning from an abstract work of art. The open nature of asemic works allows for meaning to occur trans-linguistically; an asemic text may be "read" in a similar fashion regardless of the reader's natural language. |
The script is intuitive and open to interpretation. It belongs to no specific language, culture or place.
Void of words it is read through its emotional and aesthetic content.
Void of words it is read through its emotional and aesthetic content.