The Keys of the Treasures of the Heavens and the Earth
The Keys of the Treasures of the Heavens and Earth
Lā ilāha illā Llāhu wa-Llāhu akbar. Wa subḥān Allāhi wal-ḥamdu li-Llāhi wastaghfiru Llāh alladhī lā ilāha illā Hū wal-Awwalu wal-Ākhiru waẓ-Ẓāhiru wal-Bāṭinu yuḥyi wa yumītu wa huwa Ḥayyan lā yamūtu. Bi-yadihil-khayr wa huwa ‘alā kulli shay’in Qadīr. When these words are recited, one should use all one's effort to be in a conscious state. In this way the heart hears the word and is enlightened with the light of that which is remembered. It receives energy and becomes alive. It is recommended to memorise the formula, for recitation of the words and syllables to become fluid and coherent. |
The Keys of the Treasures of the Heavens and the Earth, is an ancient alchemical formula used by mystics for healing.
"... although it is specific to healing, the benefits attached to its recitation are not limited to physical health." -Shaykh Hakim Moinuddin Chishti Written in Arabic, the words of the sacred formula carry vibrations that resonate closer to the essence of the qualities being invoked than if they were translated into English. This includes healing and beneficial sounds which are rarely used in the English language. The sacred formula is not limited to any specific religion, culture or race.
To hear a recording of the sounds please click the play button below and follow the text on the left. |
For further information about the sacred formula, or to purchase your Passport to the Light, please visit